

EP-SOGO Co., Ltd. received 3 stars, the highest rating of “Eruboshi Certification”, which is issued to outstanding companies for the promotion of women’s participation in the workplace.

In accordance with the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Carrier Advancement in the Workplace, EP-SOGO Co., Ltd. received 3 stars, the highest rating of “Eruboshi Certification”, which is issued to outstanding companies for the promotion of women’s participation in the workplace.


EP-SOGO Co., Ltd. and its group of companies (EPS Group) have actively recruited female employees, the achievement of a high rate of utilization of maternity and childcare leave, and has a shorter working-hour option for employees raising children. Also, EPS Group has flextime system and work-from-home system, that have provided an environment where employees can continue to work easily.
In addition, EPS Group has been promoting the appointment of female employees to managerial positions and implementing education and training programs to enhance the expertise and career development through a dedicated department.